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Hacking facebook accounts is a common occurrence and is not limited to being used to access private messages of users, but also for other reasons. Some of the more nefarious reasons for hacking facebook include using the account to hack into someone’s account, spy on their spouse or partner, and even use their account to sell illegal drugs.

If a person’s login to their email is tied to their Facebook account, hackers may be in a position to gain access to the account by modifying the password or gaining information using other methods like keyloggers. Hackers are also able to gain access to accounts by using malware, such as spyware. Users must be aware of the steps they can take to protect their privacy and security. This includes selecting a secure password that is unique, logging off of Facebook when they aren’t using it, and re-updating their software.

Another way hackers can gain access to accounts is through phishing attack. These are typically sent to the victim’s phone number or email address associated with their Facebook profile. A phishing link can lead the user to an unauthentic Facebook page or website that looks exactly as the real. These pages can request a login or 2FA code, and then steal the information.

A person who suspects that their account is compromised should inform their family and friends. They can do this by changing their password, or by closing their account on Facebook when they aren’t using it. You can notify your family and friends via other social media platforms, via email or text messages.


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